Sunday, October 15, 2006

Some pre-election graffiti

In refecence to the candidate Rafael Correa - "Supporters of Correa don't create democracy" Re: Voting - "Vote null, disobey"
This one is my favourite. There is no better way to deliver a serious insult. The "exponential insult". I mean, not only are you telling insulting Correa but you are insulting him squared! I think what the insult means is that Correa is really a dictator using democratic means.... squared. Way to drive an insult home!


At 9:48 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, the exponential insult IS a real smackdown. Must be nice to see graffiti that is actually legible... most of the crap we have in TO seems curled and skewed beyond recognition. :)


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