Monday, October 02, 2006

The Chiva bus at last.

Last weekend I finally went on a Chiva bus ride. Living before in the busy Mariscal area, the Chiva bus was constantly driving me insane, going past my house with trumpets blowing and music blaring. But now it was my turn.

The Chiva bus is basically an opportunity to drink a lot while being driven around the city cheering and ducking for low hanging hydro lines. hahaha... Yeah, that's the funniest/most dangerous part about it. Ecuador's infrastructure isn't really made for the Chiva bus. The chiva bus is this double decker rickety truck thing where you have the choice to stand and dance on the top, where you might also potentially fall off to your death, or sit on the bottom half with all the conservative people. This is what a quality Chiva should look like: Packed full with lots of quality fun loving, beer drinking, good hat sporting folks. This is what our Chiva looked like, the German Chiva!
Well, it is clearly empty there, but it didn't get much fuller. The bottom part was entirely empty, except for the beer keg guy, and the top had just enough people for everyone to sit or stand comfortable... not the "man overboard" packed I had expected. And, there were NO trumpets! Not even a single trombone. All in all it was kinda disappointing. Instead of driving us around Quito where there are lots of people and nice sights to see, we drove around some town about 45 minutes from Quito where there were very few people in the streets. The one thing that pulled through though was the number of low hanging hydro lines! hahaha... I know it really isn't funny... but it was. How low were they? Here is a picture of the guys beside me ducking:

Yeah, they were pretty low some of them. Its amazing no one was "hydro-lined".

Anyway, at the end of the night we stopped at a restaurant where we were entertained by some amusing clowns and were fed some pretty delicious German food.... except the sauerkraut, gross!

There we go, Chiva Bus checked off my list of things to potentially kill me in South America. Haha... just kidding Mum. xxoo


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