Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If I was an English teacher....

...these might be some of my students' answers to a test question asking them to compare Politicians and Priests:

  • Politicians are like priests, because they both lie.
  • Politicians are the same as priests, because they are corrupt.
  • Politicians are the same as priests, because they both steal money.

Hmmmm..... now I thought South America was supposed to be pretty devout Catholic. Well, I guess I was wrong.

But then, that's only if I was an English teacher...


At 11:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

And "if I were a rich man...." (or woman).........

...I'd quit my job and come down to S.A. so you could show me around!

But I'm not, so I can't:(

At 3:03 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I'm sure being the good little cat-o-lic goil that you are you set those theoretical blasphemous students in their place.


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