Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lake Titicaca.... come on now, act your age!

Last week thursday Michaelle and I had the misfortune of booking a tour of the Lake Titicaca Islands. I shouldn´t say that, the 2 day trip was actually really great, but the morning of the trip we sat almost an hour in our hotel lobby only to find that someone had messed up and that we had been left behind. Another hour and a half and many unhappy words later we arrived at our first destination where we met up with our original group. The first stop was the floating islands. These are islands that have for years been constructed by indigenous peoples by pilling up reeds cut from the lake over and over. Honestly, I don´t really get it either. Nonetheless they manage to conduct their everyday lives on this islands (I think the guide said there were 40 or so). They have schools, hospitals, PONDS!! Its really crazy. I will post pictures when I find a better computer.
Our second destination was a 3 hour s-l-o-w and steady boat ride out into the lake to the island of Amanteni. Here we were greated by our new family for the night. Michaelle and I stayed with the family of Sr. Segundino. He was the nicest little island man with his pin stripped pants, wool vest, sandles and cowboy-ish hat. In the afternoon we had a communal soccer game, then climbed to the top of the island to see the sun set. That night we helped "la Senora" make dinner then Segundino helped Michaelle and I into everyday local dress before heading down to the community centre for a hip-hoppin´party of flutes and drumming. It was pretty interesting. The next morning we took another 1 hour boat ride to the next island, Taquile.

This island was gorgeous, we basically just walked in circles around the island gradually going higher and higher, then after a couple hours of hanging out in the main square we did the same thing back down again. Yeah, I´ll post pictures.

Now we are in Cusco and loving it. It is such a nice town with so much to see. Wednesday we begin our 4 day hike to Machu Picchu.


At 10:05 p.m., Blogger スパーリング said...

W00000H! I love Machu Pichu!! And Incas. Make sure you take as many pictures as you can. And make sure to say Hi! to Tintin and Captain Haddock if you happen to see them.

At 9:12 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better take a freaking picture atop Machu Picchu! Hope everything is going well!

At 9:55 a.m., Blogger スパーリング said...

Damn I don't remember seeing these pictures before. Seriously if this whole 'bumming around South America' thing doesn't work for you then you should definitely consider a career as a photographer or something! Those pics would make National Geographic jealous!

At 5:28 p.m., Blogger Laura said...

Thanks Brendan. Its not that hard when you're surrounded by so many astounding views. I'll try to keep it up. Machu Picchu pictures to follow!


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